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Day 3

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Saxons & Pirates!

Another exciting day started with a full breakfast and a visit from Mr Jones.  Year 4 were very excited to tell him all about their adventures so far.

The first activity saw the children stepping back in time to the Saxon Age with a visit to a Longhouse. Here they were able to examine artefacts and even dig for their own.  They also looked at a real Saxon sword and had to use their muscles to hold it up!  The children continued their exploration of Saxon life, looking at shield work, board games and sewing.  Then it was time for a well-deserved lunch.

In the afternoon, the children were told that an earthquake had happened at Stubbington! It was their job to manoeuvre key items around the site and assist any babies they might find too.  They even had to leap over lava!

As they continued their rehearsals for 'The S Factor', news came in that Mr Scarborough's prized biscuit collection had been stolen by pirates! The children headed out to find the culprits and saw some strange looking pirates who looked very familiar.

Finally, it was time to visit the hide to spot some wildlife. The children saw foxes and badgers munching on their left-over dinner. A busy day for all!

Day 3