House Points
Stamshaw Junior School House Points
Autumn 2 Term Winners
Congratulations to Victory!
Victory have a non-school uniform day on the first Friday back (10th January)
Spring 1 Term 2024
1785 |
Mary Rose House Info
Named after Henry VIII’s famous ship. This ship was the pride of his powerful navy.
The Tudor rose is a bright red flower and this colour shows power and pride.
Mary Rose Red children will achieve all they can to the best of their ability and take pride in their school and community.
1449 |
Victory House Info
Named after Admiral Nelson’s famous ship. This ship was instrumental in the Battle of Trafalgar and helping defeat Napoleon.
The Victory is synonymous with Portsmouth. The Victory lounge at Portsmouth FC is a VIP area of the club and blue is the Portsmouth colour. Portsmouth and this ship have a long, history.
Victory Blue children will aim to be reflective and look back the past to help the future. They will show pride in all they do and show respect to all around them.
1564 |
Endurance House Info
Named after Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship. He was a key member of the British exploration of Antarctica. One of Britain’s greatest explorers. The Endurance became stuck in the ice, and it took all the crew to free it from the ice floats.
The Endurance was not only key for Shackleton. The name was reused for a polar explorer vessel for Britain.
Endurance Green children will aim to show resilience in their work, like the crew did before and maintain the Stamshaw spirit even when difficult.
1343 |
Warrior House Info
Named after the world’s first iron hulled ship, this ship was a powerhouse. Whilst never used, it was able to strike fear into enemy navies with its many different weapons for any occasion.
The Warrior is another ship synonymous with Portsmouth. One of Portsmouth great exhibits.
Warrior Yellow children will show reliability and readiness to learn. They will also be resourceful and ready for any new learning.