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Head Pupils & Prefects

Head Pupils & Prefects

The roles of Head Children are the most responsible roles in the school, and they have many important duties and responsibilities.

Prefects are students who are a positive role model to all members of the school community.

Meet the Team


Head Boy Head Girl
Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl












The Prefects form a team to assist the Head Children.

Together they encourage others to contribute to the life of the school.

The Head Children and Prefects are selected from Year 6 pupils who are able to demonstrate that they can meet the roles and responsibilities attached to their role

They are likely to have:

A high standard of behaviour, conduct and dress, supporting the ethos values on a daily basis.

A high standard of attendance and punctuality;

An ability to express themselves – verbally and in writing;

An excellent attitude to learning, showing a good understanding of the school's learning values.

A history of playing an active part in the life of the school outside of the core curriculum.

The ability to both take initiative and follow instructions

Clear ideas about how students can contribute to and improve Stamshaw Junior School.

The Role of a Prefect

The role of a prefect is one that requires them to act responsibly at all times and to model the high levels in behaviour and attitude to learning that the children at Stamshaw Junior School are expected to demonstrate. Prefect duties include:

 Leading by example by being punctual and wearing the school uniform.
Being prepared for lessons and encouraging others to be so.
Working with Miss Bushell to help create a productive, polite and happy environment.
Modelling the behaviour, manners and attitude to leaning that is expected.
Supporting the dinner hall to ensure a safe and enjoyable time for all.
Being an extra pair of eyes in the playground to report serious misbehaviours.
Being playground buddies to the children who struggle on the playground.
Being hall and corridor monitors.
Assisting during wet lunchtimes.
Helping to keep all areas of the school organised and tidy.
Helping to promote respect for all members of the school community.
Reporting incidents of bullying and discrimination.